What kind of help does your employee need? What kind of help does your employee need? Finding a house (renting) Finding a house (buying) Need a moving company for their household Coaching during interviews, views, negotiations and moving Translation contracts Interior in the new house (with new / or own furniture) Utilities such as tv, internet etc in the new house Dutch registration at the municipality Opening a dutch bank account Schooling / or sports Finding a car (lease or buy) Other With whom is your employee relocating? With whom is your employee relocating? Alone With partner With family How long will your employee be working in the Netherlands? How long will your employee be working in the Netherlands? Less than a year Longer than one year When is your employee planning to move? When is your employee planning to move? Within 3 months More than 3 months Company name Name Place of business How may we contact you? How may we contact you?E-mailPhone E-mail Phone number Comments Send